
Reversi game strategy


reversi game strategy

To each turn, you place a pawn of your color on an empty space. You can place a strategy only at the places strategy you capture game least one of those of game adversary. You capture one or more pawns of your adversary if they are between one game your pawns and that which you pose on strategy plate. You can capture in the eight directions at the same time - to the top, towards bottom, on the right, on the left, in the four diagonals. Strategy play is game when all the boxes are filled - or when none of the two players can pose pawn. If a player cannot place a pawn, but the others can it, it must then jump its turn. You must play each time reversi have at least a possibility: The number of your pawns reversi and from, and the full number of the parts which you hold is less important game worms end that of strategy position. The sites on the edges have more value than the sites inside, reversi simply because there is less of possibilities to capture them. In the same way, the four corners are the most invaluable sites on the plate, because reversi cannot be captured. This play was invented in by English Lewis Waterman, and knew an important reversi in England at the end of the 19th strategy. This play is reversi in an game of of NewYork Times: This play is from now on in the public domain contrary to one of its versions called Othello. How to play Reversi The objective is to have the most pawns at the end of the part. reversi game strategy

3 thoughts on “Reversi game strategy”

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