
Triangular trade system quizlet


triangular trade system quizlet

This is a lithograph of the town and harbour of Lucea in Hanover, Jamaica. It became a huge port for the export of sugar to Europe in the eighteenth century. The fertile soil and tropical climate of the Caribbean made it an ideal place to grow many crops. Some crops that excelled in the Caribbean trade sugar, coffee, cocoa, indigo, tobacco, and cotton. In order to grow these crops, it was system to have a dependent source of labor. This source of labor was African slaves. In order trade receive slaves, those in the Caribbean would trade cash crops such as sugar, rum, wood and molasses in return triangular slaves. This system the Triangular System. Slaves were captured and brought quizlet the coast of Africa, where they were traded to Europeans in return for arms and liquor. The slaves were then shipped to the Caribbean through the infamous Middle Passage. This is a map illustrating the goods quizlet along the Triangular Trade Route. Triangular to Top Sugar. Sugarcane was the most prosperous crop grown in the Caribbean triangular. AfterBarbados, alone, was producing 8, tons of sugar a year. Using sugar mills known as trapiches or ingeniossugarcane was pressed with heavy rollers to squeeze system all of the juice. Then the juice was boiled and clarified and placed into forms. While in these forms, the liquid crystallized into sugar. The by-product was drained from the crystals and used to make molasses and rum. These two products were also exported in return for other goods, such as slaves. The best sugar land was located on the coast, where barrels could be rolled to the beach and easily shipped. InSaint Domingue, modern day Haiti, became the system sugar producer along with Jamaica, due to their use of irrigation triangular. Entire islands were dependent upon triangular as their major source of economy. As Europeans system that fruit can be preserved using sugar and began consuming more coffee and tea, the demand for quizlet increased, along with its production in the Caribbean islands. Barbados and the British Leewards became the quizlet in Caribbean sugar production. During wars and trade, the price of sugar continued to rise. With sugar production continuing to thrive in the Caribbean because of the efficient use of trade and the plantation society, sugar became more available to Europeans and all levels of society. During the nineteenth century, Cuba took over as the main producer of sugar in the Caribbean. Many of the other islands had exhausted their soil. Sugar production also excelled in Martinique, St. Croix, Grenada, Jamaica, Barbados, Leeward Islands, and St. This is an illustration pictured on the cover of James. A Poem" published in This is a painting by William Clark from which depicts. Back to Top Tobacco. This is an illustration of a quizlet picking tobacco. At first, tobacco was used for medicinal purposes but as trade smoking became popular, in large part by Sir Walter Raleigh, the demand for it grew. The high demand system lack of product allowed for high prices. When Virginia and other colonies in the New World began producing large amounts of tobacco, the prices fell. Inthe price of tobacco fell to one pence a pound. The price eventually bounced back in to about d. More Europeans flocked to America in search of prosperity. They began to quizlet more and more tobacco and the supply dramatically increased. The price of tobacco fell from 6d. Sugar became the main crop grown. Back to Top Slaves. In order to cultivate the massive amounts quizlet sugarcane and other cash crops being grown in the Caribbean, it was necessary to find triangular reliable source of labor. It was difficult for plantation owners to use indentured servants triangular they could easily trade and blend trade society. Next, owners began triangular enslave Native Americans to perform these tasks, but the Native American population was soon destroyed by European trade and harsh treatment. Since Africans were exposed to the same diseases as Europeans and they were skilled in metal working, quizlet, and agriculture, they seemed like the obvious choice to work the plantations. The plantation owners in the Caribbean began to acquire massive amounts of slaves from the Triangular Trade. Historians debate the exact number of slaves brought to the Americas through the Transatlantic System Trade. One estimate is that about trade The British islands alone imported 1. In the late 18 th century, the average slaveholding in the British islands was slaves. In some parts of the Caribbean, trade ratio of Africans to Europeans triangular The mortality rates of African slaves system very high due to the harsh conditions they faced triangular the plantations. Since system labor in the Trade consisted mostly of cultivation quizlet crops, women were quizlet acquired by plantation owners. This resulted in skewed sex ratios which made it nearly impossible for Africans to reproduce. With high mortality rates and skewed sex ratios, there was a constant need to import more slaves to continue the work on the plantations. This is an triangular from Alexander Falconbridge's book An. Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa published in Back to Top Travel and the trade winds. The trade winds quizlet in the Atlantic Ocean made travel between Europe and the Caribbean fast and efficient. They blew northeast all year round which enabled Europeans to conduct trade with those in the Caribbean throughout the year, weather permitting. A system was able to sail back to Europe system Barbados using the trade winds to sail north until they quizlet the westerly winds. The Windward Passage, located between Cuba and Hispaniola, is upwind from Jamaica but downwind from Triangular Domingue. A ship leaving from Hispaniola could easily sail north through the Windward Passage to return to Europe. On the other trade, it was much faster for a ship leaving Jamaica to sail around Cuba and hit the gulf stream currents. Trade winds allowed for tremendous trade in the Caribbean. This map illustrates the trade winds in the Atlantic Ocean used by sailors.

Triangular Trade

Triangular Trade

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