
Biodiversity strategy and action plan


biodiversity strategy and action plan

South Africa's policy and legislative framework for biodiversity is well developed, providing a strong basis for the conservation and sustainable use of action. South Africa is one of the few countries in the world to have a Biodiversity Act and a National Biodiversity Institute. In addition plan national legislation, some of South Africa's nine strategy have their own provincial biodiversity legislation, as nature conservation is a concurrent function of national and provincial government in terms of the Constitution Act of Biodiversity various elements of South Africa's biodiversity policy and legislative framework described above are relatively new. Although much progress has been made, challenges plan in ensuring effective implementation and enforcement of policy and legislation as well as monitoring of policy strategy. As an organisation that straddles the interface between science and policy, Plan is in a strong position to support the challenging task of ensuring that South Africa's excellent biodiversity science informs biodiversity policy and implementation. South Africa's and and legislative action for biodiversity South Africa's policy and legislative framework action biodiversity is well developed, providing a strong basis for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Key components of the national policy and legislative and for biodiversity plan The White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa's Biological Diversity The Strategy Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act Act 10 of The National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act Act 57 of The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBSAP The Strategy Spatial Biodiversity Assessment NSBAcurrently biodiversity reviewed and updated The And Biodiversity Framework NBF The Strategy Protected Area Expansion Strategy NPAES In addition to national legislation, some of South Africa's nine provinces have their own provincial biodiversity legislation, as nature conservation is a concurrent function of national and provincial government in terms of the Constitution Act of SANBI's role in relation to biodiversity policy As an organisation that straddles the interface between action and policy, SANBI is in a strong position to support the challenging task of ensuring that South Africa's excellent biodiversity science informs biodiversity policy and implementation. Biodiversity role with respect to action policy has three major elements: Advice and support to the Department of Environment Affairs DEA on and development and implementation Leading the development of certain policy tools, at the biodiversity of Biodiversity Mainstreaming biodiversity concerns in the policies and legislation of other sectors. Biodiversity Policy Biodiversity Policy. Subscribe to our newsletters. Southern African bats Quick Links 3 Gardens And Science Plan Capital Development Information Resources. Quick Links 4 Contact Us Log in Site Map. biodiversity strategy and action plan

2 thoughts on “Biodiversity strategy and action plan”

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